Why we are doing this

For those who have recently joined me on this voyage, you may wonder: Why on earth are you doing this? Sailing a sailboat from the Philippines to the Solomon Islands? Who owns the boat? Why is it bought in the Philippines instead of just buying one locally? And who is the crew and why are […]

We are doing it!

It takes some guts to say that you are going to sail from the Philippines to the Solomon Islands in a Polynesian sailing canoe, but actually doing it requires something completely different.. It requires faith! Faith and confirmation often goes hand in hand if you are walking in the right direction, and I have seen […]

Klare for avreise!

Det har vært travelt siden vi ankom Filippinene og nå er vi endelig klare til avreise mot Indonesia og Salomonøyene. Vi seiler snart heim! Å komme til dette punktet har ikkje vore lett. Vi har hatt plenty av utfordringer underveis og det har vore tider der eg har tvilt på om vi kommer oss avgårde […]